Pre-K Two
Educators enhance your scholar’s learning experience by incorporating routine, fostering relationships, building vocabulary to communicate wants and needs, and potty training. Our educators encourage scholars to gain independence as they explore the world, while reinterring that someone they depend on is always within reach when support is needed. While circle time is brief with this age group, this part of the day is packed with fun and educational activities centered on a monthly theme which incorporates letters, numbers, shapes, colors and imagination. During daily small group interaction, scholars enjoy singing songs, reading, and doing finger-plays. Concepts are learned through engaging group games and conversations. Starting in the Two’s Room, we make use of separate learning centers introduce structure learning through play. Days are filled with hands on opportunities to develop creativity using a variety of materials. Dramatic play is a key component to expand your scholar’s imagination. We are committed to making potty training a positive experience by implementing a process that is both exciting for your scholar and easy to use at home. Our educators use the timing method that includes an assortment of fun tunes with a reward chart. We encourage parents to inform us when they feel their child is ready to begin potty training. Our educators know that working collaboratively with parents will help provide each scholar with fundamentals needed for potty training success. Developmental assessments are conducted quarterly.